Fables Template

Transnet Freight Rail

Suppliers and Contractors

Fables Template

Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE)

We remain committed to supporting a growing inclusive economy through, amongst others, implementation of affirmative procurement. We have integrated Broad Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE) with the tender rules and procurement policies to assist historically disadvantaged communities (HDC) whilst empowering Transnet Freight Rail's managers to effect affirmative procurement without compromising specifications, safety and standards and good governance.

To promote the development of suppliers and contractors from disadvantaged communities, we have decided that a large portion of the available total procurement (discretionary) expenditure should be spent to advance Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (BBBEE).

This we do by setting targets at various levels which include:

Strategic supply management objectives;

Affirmative procurement objectives?; and

Best purchasing practices.


Supplier Compliance

It is important that suppliers comply with our BBBEE requirements when submitting tenders. As a pre-condition to the selection, a potential supplier must submit a valid BBBEE Certificate or Affidavit and any other documents that are prescribed for our procurement process. In instances where we set other BBBEE pre-conditions for participation, these shall form part of the tender evaluation and shall be incorporated into the contract.


How to Become Our Supplier?

A Supplier Declaration Form for new Trade Vendors must be completed to become a supplier to Transnet Freight Rail. Ensure that all the information requested is completed before submitting the requested documentation. Transnet Freight Rail will assess whether your business complies with certain preset standards that are required to supply certain items or services. More details about our procurement procedures is available in our guide to tenderers.


Publication of Tenders

We publish advertisements of available tenders in the websites listed below:

Note: All tender documents can be found and downloaded from the above-mentioned Internet Tender locations.


Submission of Tenders

Tenders must follow the process, submitted before the closing time on or before the closing date.

Late tenders will not be accepted.

Tender documents indicate names and telephone numbers of contact persons who can be contacted regarding any uncertainties/clarification that may arise while completing the tender documents.


Tender Notices

Tender Notices can be downloaded in PDF format from the Transnet Freight Rail Website, free of charge, printed and viewed. Should a bid be submitted in response to a tender, the tender fee as indicated under “Description” must be paid into the Standard Bank account below with the Tender Number as reference.

Please Note: Official bank receipt(s) with official Bank stamp should accompany the submitted tender bid as proof of payment.


BBBEE Enquiries

Suppliers and contractors can obtain assistance regarding our tendering procedures and BBBEE issues from our BBBEE Manager:

SD, ED, and Transformation Manager

Ms. Zine Icheku

Tel: 011 584 0620

Tender documents also indicate the names and telephone numbers of contact persons who can be contacted regarding any uncertainties that may arise while completing the tender documents.


Our Tender Advice Centre

Suppliers and contractors can obtain assistance regarding any aspect of our tendering system from our Tender Advice Centre:

Inyanda House 1

Ground Floor

21 Wellington Road

Parktown, Johannesburg

Tel: (011) 584-9230