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Transnet Freight Rail

Our Customers

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Why Rail with Us?

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Choosing Transnet Freight Rail for your freight logistics requirements offers numerous advantages, including cost savings, expanded market reach, speedy conveyance of freight, reliability and a significant contribution to environmental sustainability.

We are a pioneering freight logistics organization dedicated to shifting rail friendly freight from road-to-rail whilst providing intermodal freight logistics solutions. We offer transportation services for a wide range of goods.

What Can I Rail?

We specialise in providing cutting-edge freight logistics solutions tailored to customers in industry-based sectors such as mining, heavy and light manufacturing. Our expertise lie in the efficient transportation of a wide range of commodities, including amongst others:

Automotive Products


Lime and Cement






Iron Ore and Manganese

Chrome and Ferro Chrome


Project Cargo



Fast-Moving Consumer Goods (FMCG)

Our commitment to excellence and innovative solutioning ensures that we deliver top-tier logistics services that meet the diverse needs of our customers across various industries.

Where Can I Rail?

We can rail your cargo to any of the inbound or outbound destinations listed below safely, promptly and cost effectively with pleasurable service experience.




Durban Harbours

East London




Richards Bay







Port Elizabeth


Pretoria- Sentrarand
















How Can I Rail?

Should you wish to explore possibilities of railing with us, please contact the following Senior Commodity Specialists:

# Name Designation Corridor Tel Cell Email
1 Muller Van Niekerk Senior Commodity Specialists Container Corridor +27 82 095 3730 +27 82 095 3730 Muller.VanNiekerk@transnet.net
2 Thandekile Mfeka Head of Sales Central Corridor +27 11 570 7118 +27 83 286 0838 Thandekile.Mfeka@Transnet.net
3 Sibusiso Mjoli Acting Head of Sales North-East Corridor +27 11 774 4996 +27 78 097 4986 Sibusiso.Mjoli@Transnet.net
4 Charlene Masie Davids Senior Account Specialist Ore / Cape Corridor +27 11 544 9530 +27 83 293 7655 Charlene.Davids@Transnet.net
5 Keith Sibisi Senior Commodity Specialist North Corridor +27 71 863 2535 +27 71 863 2535 Keith.Sibisi@transnet.net

How do I book space for my cargo?

To book space allocation for us to move your cargo to your destination, simply contact us on any of the following channels:

TFR Emerging Miners
(Email Address)
TFR Emerging Miners
(Call Center Number)
086 069 0730

Safety is Our Top Priority

We have established an adequate Safety Management System that is compliant with and addresses requirements the Occupational Health and Safety Act, 85, 2003 and the Railway Safety Regulator Act,16, 2002. Safety in the rail is regulated and overseen by the Railway Safety Regulator (RSR).

We have obtained a Safety Permit from the RSR after fulfilling all its safety requirements. Our current Safety Permit is due to 30 August 2025. To maintain the validity of our Safety Permit, we submits annually the Safety Improvement Plans to the RSR for assessment.

Over and above meeting the requirements and complying with safety regulations, we implement ongoing safety campaigns as part of risk management regime. We have a dedicated Executive and unit with adequate capacity and resources focused championing safety management across all components of our business value chain with particular attention to the operational domains of our business, our trains, train drivers, our rail network and our real estate.
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Our Standard Conditions of Carriage

Transnet Freight Rail maintains specific service conditions for handling of dangerous goods, hazardous materials, explosives, perishable goods, and abnormal loads transported in rail wagons or freight containers. Prior notification is essential if a Consigner intends to ship any of these items, allowing us to adhere to the necessary special service conditions.

Please consult our Standard Conditions of Carriage. We draw your special attention to clauses 24, 25 & 26 which relate to exclusion of liability and requirements for lodgement of liability claims.

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Please Note: Any claims of liability must be submitted within one hundred and eighty (180) days.

Our Rail Charge Levy

The Rail Charge Levy information is conveniently presented for purposes of enabling customers to verify the amounts billed on their statements.


Levy Components Effective Date
2024-04-01 2025-01-08 2025-02-12
Diesel Diesel fuel price adjustments 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%
Electricity Electrical energy price adjustments 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%
Exchange Foreign currency exchange rate adjustments 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%
Steel Steel price adjustments 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%
Total Levy Applicable 2nd Wednesday of Month 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%



Constant Diesel Price Examples Effective Date
2024-04-01 2025-01-08 2025-02-12
R Energy (Diesel) Component of Rail Price (P1 to P3) 8.000% 8.000% 8.000%
NP New Diesel Price R2245.09 R1928.55 R2033.55
Diesel Levy
BPx Diesel Basis Price Adjusted Yearly as on 1 April YYYY R2245.09 R2245.09 R2245.09
Ix Diesel Levy Applicable 2nd Wednesday of month 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%



Constants Electricity % Examples Effective Date
2024-04-01 2025-01-08 2025-02-12
RP Energy (Electricity) Component of Rail Price 8.900% 8.900% 8.900%
S Cumulative Electricity Increase / Decrease Margin 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%
Sbe Electricity Price Increase 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%
Electricity Levy
Ax Electricity Basis Adjusted Yearly as on 1 April YYYY 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%
Ix Electricity Levy Applicable 2nd Wednesday of Month 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%


Foreign Currency Exchange

Constants Foreign Currency Exchange Rate Adjustment Examples Effective Date
2024-04-01 2025-01-08 2025-02-12
R Currency Component of Rail price (P1 to P3) 0.500% 0.500% 0.500%
S Cumulative Currency Increase/Decrease Margin 0.80 0.80 0.80
NR New USD Rand (USD ZAR) Currency Exchange R18.8478 R18.2505 R18.7157
Energy Levy
BRx Base Currency Rate Adjusted Yearly as on 1 April YYYY R18.8478 R18.8478 R18.8478
C Monthly Effective Currency Adjustment 0.000% 0.307% 0.465%
Ix Currency Levy Applicable 2nd Wednesday of Month 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%



Constants Steel Price Examples Effective Date
2024-04-01 2025-01-08 2025-02-12
R Steel Component of Rail price (P1 to P3) 3.500% 3.500% 3.500%
NP Basic Metals (Unit: Index: 2000=100; Source: P0142.1 - Table 8) 103.1000 97.3000 97.3000
Energy Levy
BSx Basis Metals Price Index Adjusted Yearly as in Feb YYYY 103.1000 103.1000 103.1000
Ix Steel Levy Applicable 2nd Wednesday of Month 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%
Total Levy Applicable 2nd Wednesday of Month 0.000% 0.000% 0.000%

Our Banking Details

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Dear Valued Customers

We wish to inform you that Transnet Freight Rail has updated its banking details. If you receive any communication regarding this change, kindly contact Ms. Vanessa Pillay, Credit Control Manager in our Credit Control Management Office Management on the details listed below for verification before making any modifications.

(Tel) 011-584-0869 / (Cell) 083-379-7086 / (Email) Venessa.Pillay@transnet.net