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Transnet Freight Rail

Emerging Miners

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Emerging Miners

We are committed to building direct relationships with emerging miners and to opening direct lines of communication on matters relating to capacity allocation and contracting. To date, we have enabled 30 emerging miners across various mining commodities.

The volumes handled by Emerging Miners have experienced a remarkable 340% increase over the past decade, averaging an annual growth rate of 34%. Significant progress has been made in manganese and coal mining where immense growth for emerging miners achieved. We have seen emerging miners grow to major miner status over the years.

Transnet is focusing its efforts on implementing step-changes in the following areas to ensure transformation in the mining space:

Rebasing the allocation ratio between emerging and major miners;

Ease of doing business with us for emerging miners (contracting, credit management, capacity application processes, and other related areas;

Improving access to infrastructure such loading facilities for emerging miners; and

Transparency in our decision-making processes such as capacity and real estate allocation.

Despite Progress Made, More Still Needs to be Done

Notwithstanding achievements made in supporting emerging miners, we acknowledge that capacity enablement to emerging miners has not kept pace with the escalating global market demand compounded by a significant increase in mining rights issued by the Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE). This has led to a capacity allocation imbalance in favour of major miners.

To level the playing field, we are currently implementing significant changes in the following key areas to drive transformation within the mining sector:

Capacity creation projects to enable new rail and port capacity which is primarily for the benefit of new entrants and emerging miners.

Rebalancing the allocation ratio between emerging and major miners.

Enhancing the ease of engagement between us and emerging miners, particularly in areas such as contracting, credit management, capacity application procedures and others.

Improving accessibility to essential infrastructure for emerging miners including loading facilities.

Enhancing transparency in our processes especially in capacity and real estate allocation procedures.