Transnet Freight Rail

Our History

Our History In a Nutshell

Ours is a 114 years history dating back to 21 August 1853 when the Cape Town Railway and Dock company formed. This was followed by the formation of the Natal Railways Company in 1859.

Our first railway line was opened in 1860 from Cape Point to Durban.

From this period on a number of railways lines were opened across the country leading to the introduction electric lighting in trains in 1888. The first cross border railway line from Cape Town to Bulawayo was opened in 1897. In 1902 the railways of the then Transvaal (now Gauteng) and Orange Free State merged to form Central South African Railways.

We have been in business since 1910


In the year 1902 Railways entities of two republics Transvaal and Orange Free State placed under Civil Administration as Central South African Railways.


In 1910 the South African Railways and Harbours was formed boasting a total track of 11 328km with headquarters in Johannesburg.


In 1914, a 229km railway line to the then South-West Africa (now Namibia) was built and completed in 82 days.


In 1943 the foundation for the construction of what is now the Esselen Park School of Excellence was laid.


In 1946 Kazerne (Prospect) goods depot came into operation.

Our first railway line was opened in 1860