Fables Template

Transnet Rail Infrastructure Manager

What We Do

Fables Template

The Interim Infrastructure Manager Office will be responsible for:


Access management and capacity/slot allocation to train operating companies

Access contracts management

Liaison with Regulator on the development and refinement of access Frameworks

Network Capacity Planning & Allocation

Collaborating with stakeholders on the development of rail master plans

Planning and Execution of Capital Projects

Network Infrastructure Maintenance and Management

Network Operations and Rail Traffic Control

Rail traffic management function including train control and train scheduling

Provision of Network Safety and Security in collaboration with Government and other crime fighting stakeholders

Network Property Management

Legal and Regulatory Compliance

Developing and publishing the network statement with rail access agreement and the Tariff

Liaison with the Regulator on the development of rail regulatory policies and frameworks

Act as a concession authority on the infrastructure owned or managed by it

People Management

Manage Rail Reform Change

Management of labour and stakeholder engagements

Organisational development process oversight


Accounting separation and tariffs


Development and implementation of relevant infrastructure technology roadmap to manage multiple operator traffic

Project Management