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Transnet Engineering

Supplier Development

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TE is committed to the transformation of the South African economy through the adoption of the Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE) framework. The Company believes that all South African business enterprises have an equal obligation to redress the imbalances of the past by facilitating constructive participation by Black South Africans at all levels within our economy. It is this belief that drives our philosophy behind sustainable procurement practices related to Enterprise & Supplier Development (E&SD).

Objectives of our E&SD programmes

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Transnet Engineering is passionate about helping small and medium businesses in South Africa and this philosophy is at the heart of our Enterprise and Supplier Development (E&SD) Programme.

By collaborating with like-minded partners and government, TE is enabling South Africa’s future economic growth by playing its role in Enterprise and Supplier Development.

Our E&SD Programme contributes by:

supporting the introduction and development of black-owned Small Medium Micro Enterprise (SMME) businesses in our supply chain

offering business opportunities to qualifying E&SD beneficiaries where possible

focusing on the sustainability of the beneficiaries within the programme

supporting the objective of the National Development Plan (NDP) 2030

using E&SD funds to achieve meaningful value within the communities within which we operate

Small Businesses represent 98% of the firms in South Africa, but only have a 9% survival rate over a 10-year period.

For this reason, the major emphasis of our Enterprise and Supplier Development is the long term sustainability of these small businesses. We recognize that by enabling our Entrepreneurs we are enabling South Africa’s future economic growth. Enterprise and Supplier Development is one of the mechanisms through which Transnet and its various divisions are seeking to foster entrepreneurial and small business development.